Yu-Gi-Oh! So Close Yet So Far

Yugi has defeated Noah... but they still can’t escape from the virtual world! The real reason behind their entrapment is revealed... as is the true villain pulling the strings! All the secrets are exposed as Yugi and friends learn that there never was a chance to escape from the virtual world in the first place!

  • Season 3: Episode 22
  • Duration: 21:09
  • Air Date: 03.20.2004
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Season 3: Ep 23 Duration: 21:20

Yu-Gi-Oh! Burying the Past, Part 1

A missile will destroy the underwater base in thirty minutes, but our heroes are still trapped inside and can’t escape! As Kaiba squares off against his stepfather Gozaburo for their final anguishing battle, Yugi and friends are attacked by endless hordes of monsters! Their only hope is Noah, but they can’t expect help from their enemy... can they?

Episodes Yu-Gi-Oh! Season 3

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